
Friday, 30 March 2012

Tuesday 6th March 2012

Courtney came out this evening with me so when I picked her up we went straight to the Hard interchange to meet Linda. When there we spoke with Tinny, Chris and Jamie . They were all feeling the cold this evening but all in good spirits. We gave them all some food and soup and went on our way to Palmeston road where we met up with Paul. We fed and watered him and had a nice chat.
We drove to Albert road and found Ian sat outside the Balti house, he was teaching us a bit of French, he knows 5 different languages. I mentioned to him about the conversation I had last week with Neil. Ian said that it was all lies, I told him im not here to judge him or anyone, I just want to be here as a friend and someone he can trust.
I took Linda back to her car and we headed home. Thank you Courtney and Linda for all your help !!!!
Saturday, 3 March 2012

Homelessness In Portsmouth: Tuesday 28th Feb

Homelessness In Portsmouth: Tuesday 28th Feb: TUESDAY 28 TH FEBRUARY 2012. Tonight we see TIMOTHY, JAMIE, IAN, PAUL and JIM. We also visited Mill house. JAMIE in a lot of pain tonight...

Homelessness In Portsmouth: THURSDAY 1st MARCH 2012

Homelessness In Portsmouth: THURSDAY 1st MARCH 2012: THURSDAY 1 ST MARCH 2012. Tonight we see 2 new people and TINNY, JAMIE, CHRIS, PAUL, NEIL and GARY(only met briefly once before). This ...


THURSDAY 1ST MARCH 2012. Tonight we see 2 new people and TINNY, JAMIE, CHRIS, PAUL, NEIL and GARY(only met briefly once before).
This evening Liam came out with me, I had the day off work today and was able to organise myself a bit better. Usually it is a rush when working as I finish work at 5pm and am usually out on the homeless run at 6.
We started at the hard as usual and see tinny, he was just as cheery as normal, he always makes me laugh. It’s incredible that he keeps smiling considering the life and unfortunate situation that life has put him in. We fed and watered Tinny then took the car to where Chris and the others would usually be. The only person there was Zoe, I have never met her before. I asked her if she had seen anyone else and she told me that Jamie was just over by the bus shelter. As I turned around we see him walking towards us, he looked so much better.
We gave him soup and food, Zoe refused, in fact she never said a lot at all. I think she was just cautious as she never knew us which was understandable. Whilst talking with Jamie along came Chris. Zoe got straight up to speak with him, they moved away from us as I think they wanted to talk in private. Jamie tells me that Zoe is Chris’s girlfriend, Chris has spoken about her many times before. When they came back zoe was a bit more chatty, I asked her if she needed and clothes, I gave her a few women’s tops that I had in the car and told her if she ever needs anything else then to tell Chris and ill get it for her. We gave Chris some food and bits. Jamie was again in a lot of pain, he seemed fine just now but he said that he sang a few songs when busking with his guitar earlier and thinks that’s why the pain has come back. I asked Chris to text me or call me if he gets any worse and ill take him to hospital, doesn’t matter what time of day of night. We drove about50 feet when Liam noticed a guy sleeping by the benches. We got out and asked him if he wanted anything and he said no. He kept saying that the homeless guys are all dangerous and I should be careful or go home, his name was john and he has been homeless for 4 weeks. He came from London and said he is going back as it is too dangerous here??? I told him the guys here are lovely. As we walked back to the car he started shouting, they are dangerous go home before you get hurt.
We carried on our journey to see Paul, like Tuesday he was very quiet, he did tell me that he has trouble opening up to people. He had a really bad week that he can’t talk about, I offered a shoulder for him and told him I am always here if he wants to talk, and I will not and do not judge people no matter what. His response was, if he could tell me he would, he said I am probably the only person he can trust, that meant a lot to me. We gave him food etc and went on our way.
We drove around Southsea and along the seafront to see if we could see anyone else but no joy so we headed for Albert Road where we see Neil and his dog. Neil is a very cuddly man, as soon as he see me he got up and gave me a huge big cuddle and kiss on cheek. Think he was pleased to see me ha ha. We had a little chat and we gave him some food. Liam fed his dear dog and played with him for a while. I asked Neil if he had seen Ian or Sean, he said Sean was about earlier today and Ian was off getting some heroin for himself and for Neil. I asked Neil if Ian is on heroin and he answered “that’s an understatement, in fact Ian told me how to inject in the groin as my veins are collapsing”. I wasn’t totally surprised as I have been told that Ian is on drugs. I told Neil, each to their own, I won’t judge him or Ian or in fact I don’t judge any of you. All the guys I have met have been polite and honest with me and I will help those that require and want help.
We carried on down the road a little and see Gary, we first met Gary on 19th January, he was begging a little further down the road outside the co op back then. Gary remembered us and thanked us for all that we do. We gave him food and soup and had a little chat. We then went home .

Tuesday 28th Feb

TUESDAY 28TH FEBRUARY 2012. Tonight we see TIMOTHY, JAMIE, IAN, PAUL and JIM. We also visited Mill house. JAMIE in a lot of pain tonight.
I went round to pick Courtney up from her house and we headed straight to the Hard (Portsmouth harbour) to meet Linda for 7 pm. We passed Tinny with all intentions of going back to him in a little while. I parked the car and got out to see Linda. There was no homeless people up this end so we decided to go on our round and come back later. Linda had collected some sandwiches and apples, (kindly donated by Highbury College) and we put them in the back of my car ready for delivering this evening. We went and found a place for Linda to park her car then she came in my car with us.
We made our way to Mill house to deliver some bread (kindly donated by a local bakery) as they always give me a lot so rather than waste it, I’ll take it to the hostel to eat with their evening meal.
I introduced Linda to Mark as she may be doing my trip when I go on holiday. I introduced Linda to all of the homeless we met this evening as they will hopefully be seeing a lot more of her and again she will be filling in for me when I am away.
We continued our way to Osborne road where we met Paul, sitting in his usual place outside the bank. Paul was quiet this evening, we gave him soup, sandwiches, bread, crisps etc. and then went to Albert Road.
Jim was sitting outside the Balti house, last time we see him he was in Palmeston road. Jim sleeps rough in Palmeston Road sometimes and begs in Albert road if there is a free pitch, I say free pitch because there are usually pitches for the big issue venders. We had a nice chat with Jim, he is always so polite and thankful, such a nice man. I went back to the car to get Jim some food when a very well dressed man approached me asking if I was a soup kitchen, my reply was a definite no, I explained and so did Linda that we do this off our own backs not for the church. He asked if he could have some soup as he was hungry. I told him that he didn’t look homeless and he said that he isn’t, he explained that he lives in a bedsit but has lost his wallet and was unable to get any food. How could I refuse, I’m such a soft touch at times but if I said no to him then I would feel terrible as he may of lost his wallet.
We fed and watered Jim and made our way back to the Hard to see Tinny and the others. Tinny had gone for the night. We spoke with Timothy and gave him some food and soup, he asked if I had any hotdogs or burgers, I told him that I wasn’t a burger van, we did chuckle about this. I was disappointed about Tinny not being there as I had all intentions of coming back to feed him.
Linda went off to find a lavatory and Courtney and I stayed and spoke with Timothy. Courtney says that he is her favourite and she loves his accent. Courtney has become more confident now and speaks to the guys a lot more, she really enjoys the work we do and is a natural people person.
Linda came running back saying that she has found Jamie collapsed behind the bins, we ran straight over to him and by this time he was on his feet struggling to push his bike. I took the bike off him and Courtney locked it up for him. Jamie sat down and we gave him some food and things. Talking to him he says that he fell over a plant pot a week and a half ago and fell on his chest. He had been down the hospital all day today and had an x-ray but never stayed around to get his results. I said I would take him back down there now but he refused. Jamie asked if he could use my phone to call Chris so I let him. I took Linda back to her car then went back to pick up Jamie took him round to see Chris who was at a friend’s house as Jamie was scared of being alone in case he got any worse.
I told him I will call him tomorrow of which I did.
Courtney and I headed home.


MONDAY 27TH FEBRUARY. I had a phone call from STEVE HARRIS, DJ on radio Solent’s drive time. He asked if I was happy to go on the show at 5.15 this afternoon to talk about how everything is going with the homeless project. I was happy to go on the show as I feel very passionate about what I do and I would like more people to be aware of the help these poor people need. I was very nervous indeed, I tend to waffle on about nothing when I’m nervous but I think it went well. Thank you Steve for taking an interest…