
Friday, 6 July 2012

Tuesday 26th June

TUESDAY 26TH JUNE 2012. Tonight we see TINNY, JIM, PAUL, IAN and his brother MARK and SEAN.
I was in a rush to get out this evening as I finished work later so I never had time to butter the rolls and make up a flask of soup so I just filled the flasks with hot water and took out cuppa soups and we buttered the rolls as we went along.
I picked up Courtney and we went to meet Jim at the end of the Eastern road, he came in my car.
We headed straight for Portsmouth Harbour where we spoke with Tinny and Jim. Jim said last week that he and his friend Kevin were hoping to go back to Liverpool but unfortunately they didn’t have the money. Jim said that they haven’t received any benefits and that was the money they were relying on to go back. We gave Jim a coffee and food then he moved on. Tinny was in his usual place so we went over and spoke with him. He has got himself in a bit of bother with 2 woman who he likes a lot, the story was quite funny I must say.
We moved on to see Paul in Osborne road, he was in good spirits, he said that when he is on his feet he hopes to have a woman like me by his side, this was very sweet but he said also I was like a mother to him ha ha. He also said he would like to take me to dinner when he has sorted himself out, so sweet.
As we were talking to Paul, Ian came along with his brother in tow. I have heard a lot about him but never met him so it was good to put a name to a face.
We moved onto Albert road to see Sean, we had a chat and gave him some food. He told us that he has lost the spot where he could have had his caravan put. Looks like it will be staying up north for a while yet.
Eventually we headed home.